Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Apparemment, quelqu'un veut que j'apprends français

Soeur Amott and Soeur Ilizarbe

We got the répertoire for transfers yesterday morning and, as always, it was full of surprises! Sœur Ilizarbe is headed up to the Hermanas in Belgium, and my new companion in Mantes-La-Jolie is going to be...

*drumroll *

Sœur OULÈS! YES! The same Sœur Oulès! After 3 transfers together and 5 apart, we will be finishing her mission together. I'm a little confused but really excited.

This also means that in my mission so far I have served with:
Sœur Oulès, who is French, 
Sœur Sedrick, who was almost finished and spoke French really well,
Sœur Montalvo, who is Québécoise, 
Sœur Ilizarbe, who lived in Québec for five years and speaks fluently and we can only communicate in French, and 
Sœur Oulès, who is French. 

I think somebody might be trying to give me a hint over here. I'm not sure what it is, but, y'know... 

In other exciting news, this means that we will be moving apartments (though still living near and spending half the day at the temple) and I will be the one showing someone where everything is but I'm still totally lost. Any spare prayers in my direction would be grand. 

We just spent the day packing and visited Consecration Hill for the new year, so this is another short email, but I love you all! 

Video recommendation this week is "look not behind thee." I can't link it since I'm on the tablet, but it's really good. OH, JUST KIDDING, IT WORKED! https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2010-12-21-new-years-look-not-behind-thee?lang=eng&_r=1 

I love how videos like this take a scripture story and tell it in a way that are relatable and interesting. Scripture study doesn't have to be work, we can genuinely enjoy it. (Liken the scriptures, anybody ?) So, my goal for this year is to help people find the fun and the joy in the scriptures. I'll recommend an interesting scripture story à week, and this one is Samuel the Lamanite! (yes, autocorrect, that is actually a word). Go study it, tell it to à few small children until you can keep their attention throughout, and then share it with some random people to get them interested too. Have fun! 

OH, and happy new year!!! 

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