Wednesday, May 15, 2019

facebook conversations

Super busy PDay again, as always. It's funny how I used to think that PDays were actual resting days. hahaha. This is mom and I'll be your guide to this blog today....all interpretations are subject to mom thoughts.

Walking through the Montmartre artists quarter, where everyone tells you you're pretty to get you to pay for a drawing of yourself. Funniest compliment : "Can I draw you? You're looking very Irish."

Sacre Coeur, not sure if this is the hidden abbey they found or a main place. Sacre Coeur is her favorite place.

Tourist season has started, Sacre Coeur 

I just got a buckwheat crêpe with mozzarella, salsa, onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, jalepenos, and tomatoes. I got all the veggies but potatoes that they offered since it was "one base, one filler, as many vegetables as you want." I suspect they're trying to get their revenge in jalepeno Literally think this is 50% jalepenos...Ah, I see the issue. They also gifted me some Tabasco sauce on the receipt. "Someone ordered jalepenos? Looks like she likes spicy! Let's get rid of this bottle!"

tourist season and a late train

Our Mother's Day chat. I LOVE being able to talk with her! Most of our talking was about classes and registration and such but, it was still great. BYU-I is going to get an amazing person in the fall. 

facebook conversations

Super busy PDay again, as always. It's funny how I used to think that PDays were actual resting days. hahaha. This is mom and I'll b...