Saturday, November 17, 2018

Microwave Dinners Never Change

Meaning a microwaved one-euro French "Gratin Dauphinois au Jambon" tastes exactly like you'd expect... I'm not sure what the taste is supposed to be (something around a salty beige, maybe?) but it's what you'd expect. Choices and concequences in action right there.

BUT the reason I got to test out the aforementioned microwave-plat-du-goo was because today is the best p-day of the transfer, temple day!! We got to go to a session in the temple and it was so beautiful and clean and awesome and all the temple sœurs and the Versailles elders were with us since it's a district p-day too, so this email will be a little short. We're going to (in theory) be going to some of the auxiliary buildings at the Versailles Château again (if we can remember our passports) which was pretty cool last time we went. To save time, we had lunch together as a district in the kitchen behind the temple and all just got something at the super bargain grocery store next door. Unique experience.

This week was AWESOME, and I know I say that almost every week but it's true! 

-I was on exchanges with Sœur Tulieva a few days in a row and got to go to a baptism in Mantes-la-jolie, teach in two sectors, teach a lesson to an 8 year old who has time-line issues and very narrowly missed him believing that apostasy happens when one doesn't eat their vegetables (meant to teach: when they don't want to do things that are good for them...) 

-on that same day, Sœur T and I went to a lesson with a woman I've never met before, since she's not in my sector. Her cousin decided to come to the lesson and he had some interesting questions for us that he was pretty certain he knew the answer to. (the Amie:"tell him, sisters!) and instead of the planned lesson we ended up having a very unique and fast-paced Bible and Gospel Doctrine discussion which made me really glad I'd brushed up on my Bible references and BofM cross-references. Apparently it went well, since at the end the amie was happy and the cousin said we should come over for dinner and another lesson and told the amie that he thought we were cool, and most recent update is he told the Mantes sœurs he'll be coming to church on Sunday. 

Also, pink Halloween cupcake dye does not come out of blonde hair. That'll be a long story and a great one someday. 

We had a lesson with ami B and showed her this video, and normally it takes her a while to get things but she got this as soon as she watched it and it was awesome! 

Have a great week, love you all, write down miracles! 

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