Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Angels round about to bear us up... And our suitcases

Hurrah for another week!

Today I did my second year Legality which was a unique experience. I've been studying the Christlike attributes again recently and I think it was a great study in patience, and how we need to wait for the right moment but be ready when it arrives. People looked like they were napping but when that buzzer sounded with their number they were up like they sat on a bee. It was pretty impressive.

My own personal study on patience got a little ironic when I got to study it for three hours and took half an hour to make the passport machine work. (lesson learned: always carry lots of change. In lots of sizes. Nothing gives extra back.) 

On the bright side, yesterday I studied hope so I got to put that in action by *hoping* I had more coins, *hoping* the line would move faster and we'd get on with our day earlier, and *hoping* my brain would slip into gear and I'd suddenly have a revelatory experience with this other experience and get to share it with the guy next to me, but instead I got to lean more on faith and saw a really cute toddler dancing with total joy to music only she could hear, and that made everything more awesome. She had better rhythm than I could ever hope for.

The last week has been an adventure non-stop. For starters, soeur Ilizarbe went to Belgium, soeur Oulès and I are back together, I got a week's worth of arm workout moving those suitcases and I decided mine will be empty when I come home, we got a new ami, and we got the cute neighbor pug's owner to come to a temple fireside AND set up a lesson with the sisters! He's the sweetest little old man so this is really exciting! And we sang a capella at a retirement home and got asked to come back (thanks, elders and soeur Campbell) and so much more.

With the suitcases... There's a TON of stairs in these train stations and there were several sisters with lots of heavy suitcases with spinner wheels. They just snap right off on cobblestones or on the gaps, it's terrible. (hurrah for two wheel suitcases!) but I was the only sister who could really lift or carry them in our group and it was going rough. We had many, many stairs to climb up and down and no elevators and escalators. 

But, every time we just couldn't do it, someone would come help us. That... Just doesn't happen here. Especially one sweet man, he carried our suitcases up and down an entire Gare for a full half hour and they were HEAVY and then at the end he just disappeared before we could say anything but thanks again. We kept saying if he needed to go he could, we were incredibly grateful, but he went the whole way with us to our stop and then was just gone. I gave him a visitors center card and said we'd give him a tour and thanks but he had a train to catch himself so he left. But really, right after that someone shared the scripture about angels being around us to bear us up and he stood out. That was an amazing act of service for a bunch of stressed out young women who needed help but had nobody to ask. 

So, I've got to go again, but I love you all and hope you have an amazing week! Missionary invitation is to go out and do good, serve somebody, and you never know what it might do. At the very least it'll light the world a little more. Service is non-denominational and crosses every cultural border.

Say your prayers, read your scriptures, see you soon!! 

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