Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The week Notre Dame burned

I'm starting this with an apology to everyone who didn't get an email response today, it was a little nuts. (I don't have an excuse for the other weeks, sorry!) We didn't do our time consecutively, missed some of our time, and had to get glasses for Soeur S in Paris. Great, but busy. I'm sending this to everyone this week. ðŸ˜…

I think just about everyone must have heard what happened to Notre Dame by now, and it's a big enough event that I'm going to remember a lot of things in relation to this point on the time-line. 

I loved visiting Notre Dame. Happily, I've been inside when I had the chance and got to enjoy it and make memories there. I was there with my sweet French host family when I was 16, I've been there as a missionary, and my Grandma Amott left us a small replica of the beautiful stained glass window that I'll be taking with me when I get home. I was going to go to Notre Dame today and buy another little replica to give my parents, but it looks like plans have changed.

Since a lot of missionaries serve in the immediate Paris area, our mission president (the good man lucky enough to be in charge of all 160+ of us) sent our parents an email to help them not freak out. (I love you, Mom!) I really loved a part that was shared by a few parents.

So, in Président Sorensen's words,
"I spoke this evening with a Catholic Priest we know from the nearby Église de la Madeleine and he reported that Notre Dame Cathedral just celebrated 850 years.  While they are so sad at the damage to this house of worship, he said "if it had to happen, Holy Week is not a bad time.  Easter is all about resurrection and rising from the ashes."

My heart hurts for the faithful people who worshiped in that cathedral, and for what a symbol it was for France, but I love that response. 

(Old photo from 7 years ago, Alyssa and Eulalie in front of Notre Dame)

We have our friend, B, on date for baptism on the 27th! She's amazing and we're so excited for her. She just passed her interview this afternoon and we had an awesome lesson on the Priesthood, which is also why I'm cutting p-day short... Again. 

She's awesome, it's worth it, but next week I'm still really looking forward to getting the whole time needed to do groceries and things ðŸ˜„ And to go shoe shopping, because in an interesting turn of events and a long story, almost all of my shoes have just been accidentally donated to the homeless population of France. It's been an exciting week. 

Song recommendation for this this week is "God help the outcasts" from the Hunchback of Notre Dame, because of Notre Dame, but also its a pretty great song. 

Missionary invitation for this week is to invite someone to church for Easter. Easter is Christ. It's about hope and new starts, and everyone should feel welcome, so please help them feel welcome and loved. We're all a part of their family. 

I love you all, have a great week and be safe and have fun!! I'll see you soon! 

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