Soeur Bossel from Switzerland and Soeur Illizarbe from Peru, she lived in Lima.
Something that has come up over and over in the mission training, preach my gospel, conference, personal study, etc., is that without goals we don't get very far. Mainly because we have no way to know where we're going and, consequently, no way to measure progress. Like the cat said to Alice, if you don't know where you're trying to go, why does it matter which road you take?
Soeur Oulès didn't appreciate this logic when I got us super lost during finding, but hey. The Jehovah's Witness companionship we accidentally contacted accepted cards for the Visitor's Center... and it only takes two hours to walk from one train stop to the next! Who knew!
But honestly, goal setting is something I need to focus on. That may become a recurring theme. We're meeting with members to help them set some goals, too, including their own personal missionary work!
Fun thing of the week, we all have the Lamb of God music now and it is AWESOME. I get to translate what's happening for Soeur Oulès who speaks wonderful English but can't understand the singing all the time (accents are also an adventure) so I really have to listen too. We want to find more uplifting French music to share with our amis!
It's another beautiful rainy day in Versailles. Last week was nearly 80 degrees and today is 46. I love both types of weather, but I save money on sunscreen this way! Everything is bright green and alive now.
3 little blessings of the week: Frere Nadauld, my MTC French teacher, came to the Visitor's Center when we were on shift! We were able to have a lesson with M who is insanely busy, and today while grocery shopping a ton of my favorite songs came on, including that cheesy old oldies "Mama loves mambo" song.
So, back to goals (I'm pretty sure the organization of this email would give Alice a migraine.) One of my goals is to be more organised. (HA.) A connected goal is to be more positive, and that's a continuous one so I'm starting small with: Recording 3 good things every day, using the breathing exercises in adjusting to missionary life, and memorizing optimistic scriptures. We always have mission goals and goals for every ami, too, which helps so much!
Challenge: Write down three good things that happened in your day, every night before going to bed, for a week.
The sharp end of this email is brought to you by motion sickness. I love you all, have fun, make good choices, pet more dogs, read your scriptures, etc.
Soeur Alyssa Amott
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